The University of Edinburgh
Marie Curie
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  Virtual Laboratory of Migration (VLM)      

About the VLM

What is the VLM?

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The VLM is intended as a research tool for scholars using individual-level data in quantitative or qualitative studies in the field of international migration. It will provide the infrastructure for the dissemination of newly available data archives on international migration.
Besides data sets and links to online statistics, the VLM will help sharing up-to-date information of methodologies used in collecting migration data and the efforts to harmonise disparate data sources.


  • dissemination of information on new migration data sets
  • collection of data
  • methodological issues of sample design for migration studies
  • downloadable data archives


To achieve these aims, the information comprised on the VLM site is structured into four main parts:

  • methods of data collection
  • available individual level and aggregated migration data
  • the VLM as an instrument for collecting data (online surveys)
  • links to other data centres and the Edinburgh University Data Library


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Virtual Laboratory of Migration
Methodologies for Migration Data

Micro Data Collection
· Survey methodology
· Qualitative methods
Macro Data Collection
· Migration statistics
· Asylum statistics

Online Migration Data
Online Surveys
Data Centres
Edinburgh University Data Library


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